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2 Tim. 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Greetings in the name of Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Blessings and Peace be unto you from our Heavenly Father, who always causes us to triumph. I am a firm believer that it is the will of God that we who sit in leadership positions in the church of Jesus Christ, are not be not ignorant concerning the devices of the enemy. We are called out from the Ecclesia to preach, teach and prep the Body of Christ for the perfecting of the saints and the work of ministry.

This manual is designed to assist you in your preparation for ministry and to challenge you to a deeper life of study and application to the Holy tenets of our faith. As leaders of the faith and examples to the flock, we must become vigilant at being proficient and prolific in our God given responsibility. It is my prayer that this manual will be placed in your hands and become an instrument to aide in your development as a servant-leader in the Kingdom of God.

Every carpenter, plumber, electrician or any workman, needs the right tools to perform their is duties effectively. Allow this study manual to remind you of how important it is that you be ready to embrace the task of helping to build and transform lives for the Glory of God.

Blessings and Peace
Bishop Kevin L. Betton Sr.
Presiding Bishop,
Kingdom Fellowship of Interdependent Ministries, Inc.